Sunday, August 5, 2012

Astrology & Marriage: Why Harry Never Met Sally.

With about 110 million singles across the United States, you would think that many people have chosen the single life by choice-- particularly since the male to female ratio is about 1 to 1 between the ages of 25-40.  In this day and age when connecting with people is a way of life and we are given more advanced technology to do so, you would think that there would be significantly less than 35% of the population tied together (significantly higher if you count unmarried couples).  Even traditional arranged marriages are done online these days.

With shows like Millionaire Matchmaker, making matchmaking more popular, and with the interest in astrology becoming more widespread, matchmakers and astrologers are wracking up the dough cheese.  Yet here we are, the singles club, 110 million strong.

I must say that up until recently, I was never one who was inclined toward marriage or toward a long term relationship.  I had always categorized myself as a "habitual dater".  Casual dating seemed so much fun.  There was always someone new to meet, whether they were weird or normal, and always a new experience around the corner.  I could have three dates a day..breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Best of all, there were never any expectations.  Each person usually understood that it was all for the sake of good company.  A handful have even become great friends of mine who have been great supports when things get a little tough.  From the infamous "Honey Jar Guy" to the "Cave Man to "Mister" to "Mr. Snake Guy"....let's not even mention "The Naked Fat Dude who Invited Me To His House & I Climbed Out His Bathroom Window" guy , I have a long list of dating stories that could go on for days...

It was not until my last relationship where entering a long term commitment became a priority to me.  For one, the dates started to get repetitive.  It felt like the same conversation was happening over and over again.  Secondly, I entered a relationship with someone who I normally would not even look at but somehow felt very tied to (hmmm...I feel another astro blog coming on).  Within this relationship, I felt very content and stable and I surprisingly loved it.  Especially when you get used to a steady stream of was nice.  But inevitably it came to an end and of course it never resulted in a marriage.

So here I am, in my late 20s and somehow I feel that rush to alter feeling gradually seeping up my spine and straight into my heart.  Would this be my biological clock?  Tick. Tick. Tick.  It gets louder by the second.  Even though I enjoy my secret bathroom song performances to Mariah Carey with my boa and the fact I can  go back in forth with being a neat freak to being absolutely disgusting, that gosh darn clock just keeps ticking.

So what do you think is now happening?  Hopefully you guessed the stereotypical woman I have gone batshit crazy!  Bring on the nail biting, the jealousy of new brides, the cooing over every single baby (including baby cats), the secret hope someone will get divorce, and the attraction to married men.  Did I mention I have a psychic and tarot reader on speed dial?  I spend about $50-$85 a month a.k.a.  $600-$1020 a year on my blind psychic and my elder tarot reader regarding my romantic future.  And the questions never change...they are always the same..."When will my next romantic relationship be?" and "What will be the nature of that relationship" and "When?", "When?", "When?".

Of course, just as it is recommended to get a second opinion from a doctor, I have to call multiple psychics to ensure that they say the same thing.  Even though the timing has been disputable, one thing that was consistent is that I am suppose to meet this special somebody out in nature since I love the outdoors.  He will be darker skinned and either his first or last name will begin with a B or J....only time will tell how true this is. Here's hopin'. Fingers crossed.

But I digress, after all, this is an astrology blog.  Why do I insist on turning to these means of determining whether or not I will ever settle down?  Because looking at my natal chart and upcoming long term transits, I just get a sense of doom. Have you ever looked at your chart and thought WTF???  then start frantically looking at other aspects that can "save" you?....maybe it's just me....

Natally, I am pretty stable with not much tension in my chart.  I do not have the ease of trines either.  Mainly sextiles and conjunctions. It's my house placements and transits that always get me...but I guess, you cannot have it all (sigh).

In my role of the new life series entitled,  "Alter Rush", I initially had turned to astrology to determine my propensity toward marriage. Here are some of the astrological characteristics that I feel are important and that have played out in my own life in a variety of relationship situations.  These can also be applied to your significant other or potential significant other (for all you astro stalkers) as well.

Sign & Aspects to The Part of Marriage

The part of marriage is a calculated number so aspects should only be determined with a very tight orb...otherwise it kind of defeats the purpose of using a calculated number.  I would not use an orb of more than 5 degrees but even this may be considered a stretch.

The Part of Marriage can be calculated using the following formula:   Ascendant + Descendant - Venus.

Take me for instance ~  23.09 Virgo + 23.09 Pisces - 3.20 Scorpio = 173.09 + 353.09 - 213.2 = 312.98

Part of Marriage = 12.98 Aquarius

For an easier calculation you could also visit Arabic Parts Calculator.

I have not found a lot of information on POM and I do not think it is widely used by most astrologers since it is a calculated aspect....but so are Midpoints.  Because of this, just like the disclaimer on this blog, what I am writing about the POM is based on what I feel I am observing in my own life.

With a POM in 12.98 Aquarius, I think I have a very detached attitude toward my relationships.  Not detached in terms of not caring but more like preoccupation.  I think I look for partners who can join me in being social conscience and my humanitarian pursuits.  All the guys that I have been drawn to in a relationship sense have been very good with and very into computers. I find that I like taking my partner in group settings or I like going out with the girls when he goes out with the guys and then coming home with the hots for each other.  Too much alone time without a lot of activity makes me bored...and then I go into full preoccupation mode. I believe in having another couple that we are kind of "dating" as a couple. Although Aquarius gets a bad wrap for being non-committal due to their detachment, in actuality as a fixed sign, they are pretty loyal. I also have been pretty vocal about the whole "friends first, lovers later". With Aquarius as the sign of friendship, I tend to enter in relationships with friends.  I also value the friendship aspect over anything else...and if that dies, to me the relationship dies.    

My POM aspects are as follows:

Overall it appears that I will have a marriage that will offer long-term stability, will be intellectually stimulating but will be emotionally difficult or unfulfilling.  If I used wider orbs, I will also have a marriage that is lucky, active, sexually fulfilling, and exciting.  

With POM square my Moon (in Scorpio) I have always felt that in any relationship (including friendships), I have to internalize how I feel. I tend to be emotionally unfair with partners in that I require freedom (Aquarius) but do not like to give it (Scorpio).  Because I know that this is unfair, I try to push back how I feel which either causes me personal tension about my relationship or I let it out which causes tension within my relationship. The majority of times I keep it in and try to make light-hearted play about it. I am very emotionally compromising in my relationships and anytime I do not I feel guilty.  I do not like to talk about my dark things or my past...only the ones that make an exciting story.  I can open up to people who I casually date, but not in my long-term relationships. In all my relationships, I have had a great intellectual rapport with the person or the person had an automatic understanding of  me as a person without me having to say much.

I always look at calculated points as a way to sum up the energies of the bodies in a natal chart.  Just as a composite chart is used in synastry.  We can take natal planets and there aspects a part piece by piece but to best simplify their energies all together, I think that is when calculated points become beneficial in eliminating getting lost in the details. Calculated points provide a summary our our natal energies. At least that's how it seems in practice.

I will expand on these aspects in a later blog because I have observed some interesting things regarding the POM and want to dig a little deeper.  Of course even with good aspects to the POM, the planets interacting with the POM should be natally unafflicted as well for these aspects to hold water.

Important Natal Aspects regarding Relationships in General

What holds you back in relationships?  What are your issues with rejection (or non-issues if aspects are positive)? To answer these questions, examine the following natal aspects:
             - Sun-Moon
             - Saturn aspects                               (a lot of trouble if afflicted)
             - Pluto aspects                                 (a lot of trouble if afflicted)
             - Quincunxes to personal planets      (indicates problems with confidence)
             - Afflictions to Chiron                       (guilt and subservience)

In my own personal natal chart, I do not have a lot of squares (mainly to Jupiter) or oppositions regarding the aforementioned aspects.  My biggest obstacles have been to deal with the conjunctions which in all instances expect for one are over 3 degrees.   Particularly when dealing with Saturn and Pluto.  I am dealing with a lot of karma in my life and I have often felt that I am paying for past deeds so I am undeserving of a certain type of relationship.  But because it is a conjunction, somehow I can push past a lot of these feelings but it does get exhausting.  It was a lot harder when I was younger when being emotionally sober is such a drag. But it is paying off now that I am a landslide.  As a female, my natal aspects give me too much of a masculine air through my serious and reserved side of me and I find that men are a little resentful of my self-possession and single-mindedness (I am not a tomboy or feminist...just single-minded & me...I have a shoe obsession!).  I cannot help shake the feeling that they are a little jealous of it and it seems like they try hard to invent ways to get me all up an arms about them.  Side note: In reality, some times I think that guys are so much more fascinated with their own selves and their own bodies than we ladies are and they really do not have a clue that that's the case. lol Saturn and Pluto conjunctions make me a very resilient individual especially given the fact they are in Scorpio.

My biggest hurdle in my issues regarding rejection stem from my multiple afflictions to Chiron which causes me to give endlessly in order to overcompensate for feelings of insecurity and guilt (hmmmm...this seems to be a running theme in my chart, and I guess my Mars in Libra doesn't help either).  It makes me tip toe into certain situations which an make getting to know me on a deeper level a little difficult.  The good thing about Chiron, positive or negative, I am an inspirational muse for those I encounter. I need to learn that it is okay to just be myself.

The Meat and Potatoes

So after all this yata yata I have been writing about, here is the section that you are probably the most interested in reading out.  These to me, are the main natal conditions that should be considered with determining your (or someone else's) inclination toward marriage or the nature of a marriage (click on images if hard to read)


Based on my own natal chart and experience, I do not have any planets posited in my 7th house.  The majority of my planets are posited in my 2nd and 3rd houses.  Hence, I do not have an aversion to marriage I am just not necessarily a person who is all up and arms about it...and if I am, I do so quietly (unless affected by a transit).  I know this is start contrast from what I mentioned earlier about my biological clock...but feel lucky that I let you in on my little secret.  My friends would be shocked to know that I even know what a biological clock is.   My personal aspects to Uranus make me a person who does require a certain degree of freedom and independence but not to the extent that it is extremely detrimental but rather in that it causes a little irritation.  My 5th house ruler is Saturn.  Although I have a positive aspected Saturn for the most part, the 5th house of romance and creativity is actually hampered with this placement. Even though it may make my approach towards the alter seem rather sober and matter of fact, it does not necessarily make less inclined toward being married. I just move slower (slow and steady wins the race right?).  My Venus and Mars do not aspect each other.  I am assuming that that adds a little bit of indifference toward my inclination to marry but does not necessarily hinder me. Or maybe the energies just work in a way that is not readily apparent to me.  I don't know much about what happens when planets are not activated or not activated to another planet.  I have some pretty positive aspects to Venus (ahh ha! there's that biological clock!)....I have a sextile to Neptune (google eyes) and conjunction to Pluto (need to posses a partner).

Transits & Timing

My biggest concern that has sent me on this stream of batshit craziness is that my 7th House is in the mutable sign of Pisces which is an indication of multiple marriages and the fact that Uranus is transiting my 7th house...after Uranus ends it's tour there, Neptune will follow right behind it.  And both Uranus and Neptune are transits lasting 7 and 14 years respectively.  Of course, these transits will probably feel more like 3 and 4 years long but the point is, even if my dream lover should rescue me from singledom the nature of the relationship seems like it will at first be erractic and one of us will be unreliable followed by a period of elusiveness and one of us being a bit submissive.

I am hopeful in that I recently read somewhere (sorry I cannot remember where) that transits are only felt if they are activated by a natal planet.  This is great considering my natal planets would only make positive aspects to any transits in this house with the exception of my Mars (on second thought, I guess not so great) with a possible quincunx thrown in there somewhere.  So if this is true, these transits should be manageable.

I suppose that transits involving any of the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) are big indicators of marriage and marriage timing.  I know timing is a big question for most of us and I'd say, just off of personal experience that positive transits involving Venus, Mars, and Jupiter should be good indicators of when you will meet the next serious relationship.  I entered my last relationship when Jupiter was transiting my 7th house.

Just a word to the wise, that if you are divorced you may want to consider looking at your 9th house instead of your 7th house (11 for the third marriage). 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Moon Square Jupiter & Saturn: Hi Mr. Tree! Meet Miss Butterfly

Image Detail   Anyone who is familiar with astrology knows that in simple terms, the  study of astrology is basically another study regarding the laws of attraction.  Our natal make up of planets, signs, houses, and aspects can lead us to be mesmerized and hypnotized by certain events, things, and people...even aspects of our own selves.  
I am consistently fascinated by the recurring qualities that attract or repel me to certain people and I am always shocked to learn how many of these people share the same astrological qualities.  It's draw dropping each and every time.  These qualities, about eighty-five percent of the time, show up without fail.

For some reason, throughout most of my adult life, I have not only been attracted to but I have been strongly attached to many Moon Square/Opposite/Semi-Square Saturn folks.  The attraction to those with this aspect that I have encountered has been unequivocal compared to other aspects I encounter in the people that have come and gone throughout my life.  In each of these cases, whether good friend or lover - female or male, not one has had the same Moon or Saturn. However, they each have either a Saturn and/or a Moon that aspects my natal Sun or Moon in either a Trine, Sextile or Conjunction.  

Even though this aspect is not the most exact aspect between our charts and other Moon/Saturn aspects are at play, somehow I feel very drawn to the Moon-Saturn natal aspect in their personalities.  In fact, I get pretty obsessed with it.  I am not a technical astrologer and all of my astrological learnings are based off of observation and intuition, but somehow the attraction may be due to my natal Moon Square Jupiter aspect. 

According to Robert Hand in his book Planets in Youth: Patterns of Early Development, the polarity between Jupiter and Saturn is the interplay between expansion versus limitations.  Strong-Jupiter, weak-Saturn folks need to find balance from those with Saturn qualities to become more responsible and disciplined.  Strong-Saturn, weak-Jupiter folks need to find balance from those with Jupiter qualities to become less fearful, narrow, and suspicious.  

Moon Square Jupiter folks like myself, are very emotionally generous to the point that they can be taken advantage of.  I find that I constantly overstate my emotions.  I may kind of like someone and have certain reservations about them but how I actually feel and what comes out my mouth may not completely match.  Instead of just saying "This person is cool but I have my reservations", I'm more likely to say "I am so in love with so and so" then skip a way with a sigh and smile as if I were parading through a field of sunflowers and strawberries.  I'll take a whole 2 hour break at work to take the new intern out to lunch so I can get to know them and so that they can feel welcomed despite what is on my to-do list for the day (I mean, a half hour would suffice right?).  I find that I often get in situations where I am trying to mediate a situation for the sake of the group, usually putting my own personal needs on the back burner.  Then I am usually disappointed when I find that members of the group do not do the same which makes me very depressed....for awhile...then I am back to doing the same thing telling myself "if they get over on me oh well, I can't stop being me!". Hence, I constantly feel like a gradually swinging emotional pendulum where I often get out of touch with my true feelings and confuse myself and others.  I swing back and forth from listening to my emotional gut instincts and vibes which may not always be positive to spin doctoring every emotional situation to be very positive and optimistic. People every once in the blue moon peg me for a liar and exaggerator but I do not feel as if I am either.  Anything I say is the truth at the time but it swings back to something else when I am trying to reconcile the contrasting feelings within me...some times this can happen within the same sentence.  I suggest that when dealing with Moon Square Jupiter folks, look at it as if they are working out a problem out loud and jump in to help them solve it instead of questioning their intent. Moon Square Jupiter folks are emotional in that they are sensitive to others and their environment but they preserve their dignity and will work to keep from forfeiting their self-respect. 

Moon Square Saturn folks on the other hand, act as if they live in an emotional government.  They act as if it is against the law to be frivolously happy. They live their lives as if the law states "He that acts with open happiness and spontaneity will be punished by death" (in my Zeus voice).  Everything is taken soooo literally. They are emotionally self-protective sometimes at the expense of others.  They seem to be constantly plagued by learning the life lesson that their is wisdom in letting go...and that it is okay to look at things from a place of compassion and love without having to reprimand yourself or others.  They seem to accept things as they are and are not inclined to expand and grow.  Often, they struggle with not feeling good enough in their relationships. However, they approach life with a strong sense of values, practicality, and maturity.  They are responsible and do not shirk from work.  

Based on the Jupiter-Saturn polarity, I think this is why the Moon Square Jupiter and Moon Square Saturn interplay is so strong in my life.  Somehow, we tend to emotionally balance each other out and help each other reach an equilibrium.  The squares in our charts make each of us an extremist regarding emotional growth versus emotional restriction.  Together we what I'd like to coin as "trine it out". Bringing each other back to the middle is not always easy but if anyone is going to accomplish the task it is going to be a Moon Square Jupiter person for the Moon Square Saturn and vice versa.  Even though they each can become a little annoyed by the others ways, each senses that there is something to learn and each appreciates the balance that the other brings them.  The Moon Square Saturn person keeps Jupiter's pendulum from moving by helping Jupiter hone in on the heart of what they are truly feeling and teaching them to act accordingly....even if it means things will not be easy.  The Moon Square Jupiter person can actually make the Saturn person feel safe enough to crack a smile not just on their face but be able to smile on the inside....they appreciate someone who can find the good and beauty in people even those with a gruff and hard front.

To the Moon Square Jupiter person, the Moon Square Saturn person is absolutely beautiful and it breaks their heart that person doesn't know it.  They become fixated on trying to bring warmth to a person they admire...someone who has the qualities that they do not have.  The Moon Square Saturn person, although they can be drowning to the Moon Square Jupiter person's optimism, tends to provide an unwavering amount of support for Moon Square Jupiter. 

The interplay between these aspects to me reminds of the flirtation of a butterfly to a strong solid tree.  Trees have no legacy without butterflies and butterflies sustain their lives off of trees. A butterfly will flitter and dance round and round a tree which is unmovable and rooted in the ground, however, they work together in a natural balance where the tree is called home.

Moon Square Jupiter  -  Moon Square Saturn Conversation

Jupiter:  Let's go out this weekend, they are having a GNO event in DC!
Saturn:  I don't like GNO events.  Girly things make me gag.  I'm not girly.
Jupiter: Aww but it would mean a lot to me if you would go.
Saturn: I have a lot to do. Why don't you go with someone who'd enjoy it?
Jupiter: Because, I want to go with someone I like.
Saturn: I went out with you the last time. Hanging with you is too expensive.
Jupiter: Well what is the use of having money if you don't spend it?
Saturn: Everyone doesn't have to do what you want to do just because you like it.
Jupiter:  I'm not trying to force my views on people, I just want to spread happiness.
Saturn:  Well it makes me happy to not go.
Jupiter:  But what about me? You can't just think about what makes you happy.
Saturn:  Why not?
Jupiter:  Because that's boring.  (note: not the real reason they want to say...what they want to say is because it hurts their feelings and they are taking it personally)
Saturn: Well I have my values.
Jupiter: What does this have to do with values?
Saturn: Not everyone has to be spontaneous.
Jupiter:  It's not about spontaneity it's about other people and making other people happy but I'm not saying being self-protective is wrong. Ill pay if you want?
Saturn:  No, Ill pay and Ill drive.
Jupiter: Drive? What do you think Ill kidnap you? Well at least you are going.
Saturn:  I'm not going
Jupiter: You know, you won't loose an arm and no one will die if you go?
Saturn: I know
Jupiter: So what's the big deal? What are you afraid of? (what they really want to asks is why don't you like me?)
Saturn: My mom was really traditional and churchy and wanted me to be girly when I was a tomboy. So I don't like girly events.
Jupiter: Oh, well....I'm afraid of the kool-aid man. He terrifies me! But somehow, I still don't want a roommate even though I sleep with the covers over my head.
Saturn: (falls to ground laughing) You are not afraid of a robber but you are afraid of the kool-aid man? What about Mr. Potatoe Head?
Jupiter: OMG! Not Mr. Potatoe Head! Soooo.......are you going?
Saturn: Okay, not on Friday but let's go on Saturday.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Neptune transiting 6th House: The Twilight Zone

So it's been almost a year since I have started this what I was hoping to be an insightful blog.  However, I have seemed to lost track of time and completely forgotten about this which is unusual since I am typically an avid blogger.  But I digress.....I'll blame it on Neptune transiting my 6th house.

In my previous post, I thought Neptune transiting my 5th house of pleasure, creativity, and romance to be a sword in love.  The thought of having this transit over a 14 year period to me made me think that I'd die sad and lonely....especially since that at the end of the transit, Uranus was (and is currently) transiting my 7th house.  But looking back, living in a romantic dream world was not all that bad.  Probably because natally my Neptune is not negatively aspected nor is the Ruler of my 5th house, Saturn.  I have Jupiter in my 5th house which is square my Moon and Venus which may explain the increased amount of over indulgences.  But overall, any hurts during that period were mostly imagined and I have a very humorous outlook on much of that time period.    It was like being in lalaland and not even caring about the ridiculousness that went on...just kind of pretending to care and being surprised when others took you seriously when I myself wasn't taking myself seriously.

I would tell people who have Neptune transiting their 5th house not to fear.  Go channel this energy by taking an acting class.  If you become dedicated, who knows, maybe you'll become an Oscar winner in a romantic drama.  The only thing you need to stay away from is self-deception.  Just be truthful about everything and maybe the fantasies in your head can play out in real life.

Anyways, enough about this scary planet being in the 5th house.  This post is about the 6th.  I mentioned the 5th because I'm learning that I actually liked Neptune there.  I'm going through a bit of nostalgia about "the good ole days".  Furthermore, my love life is pretty dry and unexciting.  With 14 years of Neptune in my 5th, romantic stability seems kind of boring.  But like I said, Uranus just entering my 7th should make up for it I'm sure.  lol.

As I will claim in most of my posts:

"The great thing about transits, especially long ones, is that I find that they can be divided into trimesters.  I have found that if you divide a long term transit into 3rds, the worst part of a questionable transit will occur in the 2nd trimester.  The first trimester is more like a ramp up, and by the end of the transit you have a handle on the situation.  Hence, a Neptune transit only really feels about 5 years long. You become an expert the life events that surround this transit.  And guess what? No one can tell you differently because after the end of the 2nd trimester, you will KNOW without any doubt how to leverage those situations.  And what is bad about that?"

1st Transit Trimester: (January 2011 - March 2014)

I must say, I HATE NEPTUNE IN THE 6TH HOUSE!!! Uggggh.  There is nothing more frustrating than having to wake up, go to a place that you spend a minimum of 40 hours a week, and deal with the most confusing coworkers you ever seen in your life!  This transit seems to be a lesson in how to navigate through very thick office politics all the while being confused about all your work situations.

I started this blog around the time I started my current job.  The reason I have not updated this because I spend the majority of my time trying to sort through my endless confusion about work.  It's not fun being confused about the source of your bill payments.  In fact, it's pretty scary.  Questions that have crossed my mind during this transit as it pertains to my current position:

1.  Who the hell is my manager?  I have no idea who I report to? And who is working in HR for me to not know this?
2.  What the hell is my job? I guess I'll make it up as I go along?
3.  Why are my coworkers always asking me to train them to do their job?  And why do I always jump up and comply to this need, who am I? Captain Save A Hoe?
4. Why is there 6 people working on this project who work in different departments and do not communicate to each other?  And why am I the one who has to sort it out?
5.  What did my supervisor mean at my performance review by the criticism he gave me? No matter how I slice it, I don't see what he was talking about? So how do I know what to improve on?
6.  Am I speaking Japanese when I say things, because it seems people take things the exact opposite?
7.  Am I too reserved at work or am I too aggressive cause I keep getting mixed signals?
8. I swear this coworker just insulted me, but I'm not sure.
9. I've always known my direction in life, so why all of a sudden when upper management asks me "where do you see yourself in your career" my answer is "I don't know, I just want to be useful".
10. Why do I feel I am constantly being manipulated about my position?

With Neptune in the 6th house, everyday feels like you are walking through the twilight zone and you begin to question if you are crazy or if the world is crazy.   You find more circumstances where you feel the need to be on guard of coworkers and very rapidly your life begins to resemble an episode of "The Good Wife".  Everyday the overall question coloring your life is "Who can I trust at work to ensure I can keep my job".  Taken from the most recent episode of "The Good Wife" on guard and keep in mind "the people who judge, lie the most".

It's come to a point that I have to walk around with a small weight in the palm of my hand to ensure that I'm grounded like in the movie Inception. lol.... not really, but it feels as if I should.

I also noticed that I get up out from my desk about five times a day.  Sticking to the the everyday routine is becoming increasing harder and harder.  Usually, I have been more than happy to plunk myself at my desk and stay there the rest of the day.  To help me focus, I now listen to audio books to keep my imagination moving while getting through the sometimes painstaking details of the day-to-day grind.

I have become very very accommodating toward my coworkers and have a hard time saying no.  So much so that my boss actually had to tell me to stop saving people.  In his words "For the next month, start vocalizing your concerns and see how good it feels".  The purpose of this sit down with my boss was to address the fact I felt I was being looked over and that others were taking credit for my ideas.  The gist of his advise was that I needed to set more boundaries and stop being so unconditionally helpful.  I still have not put his advice into practice since I feel guilty for not being there for others.  But baby steps right?

Sorting through the haze of my work life has become so incredibly exhausting and I feel that I am having a major life lesson in PATIENCE.  Everyday, the question that plagues my mind the most is: How long will this go on? And even though I feel like I'm a very blessed person, my soul aches for much more.

I have even gotten acquainted with my HR department.  I was raised to not be a snitch.  So going to HR for me was a very hard decision to make because I did not want to feel like I was throwing them under the bus. Furthermore, I just didn't want to be mean.  I reconciled the decision with myself by saying to myself "I am trying to find ways to keep everyone happy and I just want more clarity regarding my work situations".

As far as health is concerned, I haven't had any real experiences.  Just one small incident that I never found a  resolution to.  I went to see the doctor and I had no idea what he was talking about.  But the "ailment" came and went.  At the same point in time, I went to get my inhaler refilled only for this doctor to un-diagnose me and tell me I didn't have asthma after I have been dealing with it since college.  The only doctor's appointment that I had during this transit, left me distrustful of doctors.  I remember telling a friend, "Are the qualifications for doctors going down or something?".  Since then, I have relied on eating healthy and have made a complete lifestyle change in how I eat.  So far, I haven't really gotten sick (knock on wood). Because I know this transit is likely to make you tried weird diets, I did a lot of research before making the lifestyle change.  

Resolutions: (ideas to help you channel the energy of this transit trimester)

1. Listen to audio books while doing daily routine to help focus
2. Take a painting class
3. Decorate your office, desk, or place you spend most of your day to day time with artwork or flowers.  Get creative with your space.
4. Confide in few.  Bringing more opinions in the mix just makes the fog thicker.
5. Stop visiting the tarot readers and psychics.....see number 4.
6. If you are confused...say it.
7. Find a mentor but don't give them the tasks of saving you.  If they attempt to without you asking, remember it's an attempt...don't expect too much.
8. Join water aerobics
9. Volunteer
10. Choose to be optimistic (yes, indeed it's a choice)
11. I know this may sound weird but choose an animal that you want people to see you as (mine is swan) and put a picture of that animal on your desk....some ideas of animals to use can be found at the following site << The Animal in You >>
12. Utilize HR to help you maintain objectivity of your work situations.

2nd Transit Trimester: (March 2014 - May 2018)

Last I updated this post was on April 22, 2012 when I wrote about the 1st trimester of Neptune in the 6th house. I must say that my theory holds true. That the prominent part of any transit is the 2nd trimester. It takes a certain level of vigilance and planning during this time, particularly if there are any afflictions. As mentioned, the 6th house deals with your day-to-day routines, your job, your coworkers, and your health. All have been tremendously impacted during this transit....and I am exhausted. I want to get out of this part of this transit ASAP. I'm counting down the days....about 2.5 years to go (this is posted on December 10, 2015). Blah! I am drained by people and the emotional service I've been asked to provide them...I officially wish I was rich enough to live on my own island but this transit pushes you to be involved with people. I want to escape but you might as well just start calling me Cinderelly!

During this transit, I have had six jobs. I was laid off on two and terminated from one. The other jobs, I resigned because of very heavy, deceptive politics which would have resulted in either a lay off or termination. Being true to Neptune, I now have an imaginary job. LOL. Did anyone watch the show Martin? There was a character on Martin named Tommy who used to pretend he was going to work, when he mentioned he was going to work the rest of the cast would turn and say "Tommy, you aint got no job!". I was a contractor working on a government contract. The contract recently came to an end because the company I worked for could not produce the quality of work in the statement of work to the client. But, I have told everyone I know that I work from home. I recently got a roommate to help with the bills since I am unemployed, but the roommate believes I work from home everyday. I hide my mail from the department of labor and told him the mailbox key copy I made for him somehow doesn't work so I must get a new one made. Poor guy!

Just to clarify, I have a well aspected 10th house and aspects to Saturn. So I am not in anyway a slacker or poor job performer. Also, my 6th house is Aquarius and is ruled by Uranus. My Uranus is natally well-aspected as well. I approach work in a progressive way and am very universal and inclusive of coworkers. Most of my coworkers have become long time friends. I have had a string of managers who have all been pathological liars which I did not react to fast enough. If you are currently undergoing this transit and are in the 2nd trimester, whoever you report to is most likely someone who cannot be trusted. If you feel they are out for you, do not let Neptune convince you it's just your imagination, because they are! Neptune is in Pisces. Use the Piscean strengths to help with this transit - don't lolly gag and trust your intuition. Use your Neptune power and escape as soon as it's apparent. Become your own version of a hologram if you must! Or when all else fails....LIE! lol I must learn that my progressively ruled 6th house should become muted (transit Neptune is square my Uranus) and I need to find a balance between pursuing my own independent interest versus pursuing the interest of others in my quest to change the world.

I do not feel like a victim which a Neptune transit often suggest. Rather, I feel I'm surrounded by victims. I feel that on the day-to-day, I am constantly in service to others who are constantly playing the victim. My "best friend" spent MY birthday celebration looking for reassurance as to whether or not she was smart enough to hang with my other friends. She has also spent most of this year crashing on my couch. I recently bought a house. She offered to throw a party to celebrate. When I showed up to the celebration, it was actually a set up so she could get me to help her build a website (she brought herself a new laptop, when we went out to eat afterwards, me and her brother paid for the whole dinner). There are other stories involving friends and family members but I won't detail them today. Not all involve someone being  a little bit deceptive, but empathizing with others and always providing some service to them can be exhausting nonetheless. It seems I am surrounded by takers but I could learn to put up more boundaries.

I don't feel like I'm in a fog or twilight zone as I did in the 1st trimester. I think that I've become more discouraged regarding the lack of compassion of others. Don't worry, during this transit health has become a central issue. I have my psychologist on speed dial! lol. I see her every other week. Not only have I had a focus on my mental health but my physical health as well. Most astrological text say that this transit brings about mysterious ailments. Whelp....they were surely right about that! This year I have experienced 3 different physical health issues. 2 have been resolved but 1 is remaining. They have an idea of what they think it is (I have moderate chronic pain in my left side but all test are clear) but have not been diagnosed with anything. Without a solid diagnosis, insurance companies will not cover certain medications. the suggestion of my doctors surprisingly, I have gone a more holistic approach for pain management. I take up to 4 different type of supplements a day and have had to change my diet (no more red wine...wahhhhhhh!!!) buuutt....the holistic route has been working! I can finally get back to exercising again because the pain has significantly decreased.

There is good news with this transit (I read my post and think 'dannnngg I have some bad juju'). I made a career change into the healthcare field and finished my Masters in Health Science. I did not pursue this simply because of the transit but, somehow that is where my journey has led me. I used to be in marketing so it's such a switch but so far, in spite of the crazy work environments, I feel a lot more engaged in the work that I do. I feel I have found connection to a higher purpose.

I also started a business in reading birth charts and astrology consultations during this transit (will provide link to up and coming website).

Spiritualism has also been a focus. Natally, I have Mars square Neptune which often hinders your self-confidence. With this transit, however, my confidence has been tested enough to be strengthened (or perhaps its just the influence of getting older). I am agnostic. For anyone who is agnostic, some times it feels like you have to 'come out the closet' so to speak. Especially if the majority of people (i.e. family) you interact with are frequent church goers. I have been asked and probed about my religious beliefs during this transit. I have always felt embarrassed about being agnostic but during this transit, I've learned to express it and stand by it. So you could say, this transit has brought about a personal spiritual evolution. Many people have been pretty open while simultaneously trying to convert me. lol. But the experience has not been all that bad. I have also taken an interest in Buddhism, which is non theistic, but haven't really delve too deep into it...we will see where this goes....I am not quite sure if this occurrence is due to my Neptune in 6th or if I should be giving thanks to transit Jupiter in my 12th???

During this transit, it is noted that you will want to be around animals and I must say, I have been obsessed with getting a puppy!

Just a quick with any transit, it is important to look at transit aspects to natal aspects at any given point in time. It is also just as important to look at the aspects to your house ruler - specifically if you do not have any natal planets in this house. These could provide clues as to what you could do to either embrace or mitigate the energies of a transit. For instance, a guy I used to date also has an Ascendant in Virgo just like me. So our transits through the houses run neck and neck. However, although similar issues arise in our lives, they play out in different ways.

My 6th house ruler, Uranus, is for the most part, well-aspected except it is square my Ascendant. I have a rebellious streak on the surface. This aspect is also 'activated' by the Neptune transit which squares my Uranus. I may need to take extra care not to push for my independence as it will negatively impact my 6th house activities. I have seen how this has played out within my work environment. It has not been anything overly dramatic but some places you work just are not ready to take the leap into a more progressive version of themselves. It would probably be useful to pace myself to prevent constant and sudden change.

The guy I used to date has a Uranus that squares his Moon, semi-squares Pluto and a Moon (since it's involved with Uranus) that squares Saturn. He could be a little bit ruthless about his independence/uniqueness and in his domestic life had an impulse to dominate in a Uranian way. It was difficult for him to take accountability because of his defensiveness. These lunar influences impacted his work, although we think of the Moon impacting us more domestically. During this transit, he was suspended from his job as a police officer twice (in 2 different relationships) for disruptive disputes outside of work. He was surprised by the lack of comraderie from his coworkers and had to use Neptune's power of deception to wiggle his way out of trouble. Since Saturn is brought in the mix through these connected aspects, this impacted him negatively financially (Saturn transiting the 2nd).

I've decided to post transit resolutions for each trimester instead of the transit as a whole since based on my own experience, it seems it differs as the transit progresses.

Resolutions: (ideas to help you channel the energy of this transit trimester)

1. Get a psychologist
2. Get a dog (or pet) - particularly a breed that is considered a service animal, while you are servicing others your dog could fill the missing void
3. Wear a necklace with your lucky number
4. Keep your own counsel regarding your daily affairs
5. Work out
6. React to your intuition with a sense of urgency

3rd Transit Trimester: (May 2018 - February 2023)